New Year, new financial you? 10 tips for getting on track in 2024

Whether or not you make formal resolutions at the start of a year, I am willing to bet that you have certain hopes when it comes to your financial situation.

You may dream of retiring at age 55. Perhaps you want to buy a holiday home or an investment property? Do you want to take a year off to travel the world? Maybe you know you need to put a few things in place to get properly organised?

You need to take action to turn these hopes into reality.

Invariably we could all do a little better and a little focus rarely goes amiss. With that in mind here’s a list of 10 steps you can take to get yourself financially fitter in 2024.

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UK Property Investment – 10 reasons why it makes sense

UK property has a great deal of potential as an investment and it is easier to get into than you might think, with lower starting prices and plenty of benefits.

Read on to find out why UK property could be good for you.

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How to invest in UK property without stress

In an uncertain world, it is understandable that we have seen an increase in interest in investing in property. It is human nature to want to put your money into something that you can see and touch.

Property markets are not equal and the legalities and potential for growth and/or income vary hugely but Europe still presents many opportunities for long-term investment and yield.

Surveys have shown that many expats are keen to invest in property in their home country either as they consider it a more secure place than where they are currently living, or as a potential base should they need to move back.

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Where there’s a will, there’s a way to protect your family

I have published articles on this topic before but in light of the changes to the personal status laws in the UAE in 2020, this has been updated to cover the new rules. This also includes the minor amendments for 2022 and a change for Muslim expats in 2023.

If you have assets, and more importantly, if you have children, then you need a Will. This is a subject that many people are reluctant to address but there are many misconceptions and an all too common reluctance to talk about the relevant issues. In this article I want to set out a few facts and answer the most common questions.

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New personal laws in the UAE but what do they really mean for you?

I am sure most people have seen the articles about some significant legislative changes in the UAE with changes to the penal code and personal status laws and these are very positive in all respects. In this article, I want to explain what this actually means in relation to the financial issues, as headlines are not always quite what they seem and there are subjects that still need to be considered and addressed by expats, especially in terms of the distribution of assets in death.

Let’s address the various points in turn.

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A flight to bricks & mortar? Options to invest in UK & European property

In an uncertain world, it is understandable that we have seen an increase in property as an investment class. People have always liked investments that they fully understand, or can see and touch. Property markets are not equal and the legalities and potential for growth and/or income vary hugely but Europe still presents many opportunities for long-term investment and yield.

Recent surveys have shown that many expats are keen to invest in property in their home country either as they consider it a more secure place than where they are currently living or as a potential base should they need to move back.

The recent upheavals in work, schooling, lifestyle and more has made many reflect on the lives that they want to lead, and to consider future plans. Initially, I saw an uplift in enquiries for wills and life cover, and while these are still popular, I am now being contacted by people about property investment in the UK and Germany. Fortunately, I can assist with both and you can invest without leaving home.

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Where there’s a Will there’s a way to protect your family

Due to changes in legislation, this article has been updated and rewritten to so please see the latest one.

Where there’s a will, there’s a way to protect your family

Thank you



Expats in The UAE & Money. 10 mistakes you want to avoid

It is not uncommon for expats for make a few financial mistakes when they move to another country but proper planning, research and the right advice will mean you do the right things. This is a list of the most common errors and while some may seem obvious, they are all made regularly. Knowledge is power so have a read and make sure you aren’t making mistakes that you could easily avoid.

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News: Beneficial changes for DIFC Wills

The DIFC Wills Service Centre (formerly called the DIFC Wills and Probate Registry) has confirmed changes to the rules (the Amendments) which will come into effect from 30th June 2019. This is good news for anyone with UAE assets.

There are two major changes, summarised as follows:

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Where there’s a Will there’s a way to protect your family

This article has been superseded, Please see this revised one. published 30th March 2020

Where there’s a will, there’s a way to protect your family – March 2020

As with most matters, personalised advice is required based on your specific situation. To arrange a meeting to discuss arranging a Will, or for advice on any other personal financial planning issue, please email me at