Want to become a US citizen? Want a US Green Card? Want to live & work in the USA?

You could become a permanent resident, leading to citizenship in just five years. You and you family can obtain US passports and live the American dream.

Join us for an online presentation on one of the most popular investment migration programmes in the world.

Thursday 15th February. 1pm UAE time.   

Link to register: Registration – US citizenship presentation

If you read this after the live presentation, get in touch with me for a copy of the recording.

Citizen by investment is a US Government approved investment migration scheme.

While you need to invest a significant sum up front, you could receive all of it back within five years.

With one of our investment schemes, you could even receive all money back in just three and a half years.


The EB5 schemes are not easy to navigate but that is where we come in. Our in-house experts will guide you through the process, liaise with the appropriate government departments, and be with you every step of the way until you receive your new USA passport.

We work with the US Immigration Fund (USIF) which assisted over 5,000 investors in arranging an EB5 visa. You need to work with an approved company to obtain these valuable visas.

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