Moving from the UAE to the UK? You need a financial exit plan.

When you relocate from one country to another there is a great deal you need to think about. This includes the practical problems of shipping your possessions, finding a place to live, finding new schools for children, new employment and so on.

No doubt you will have lists of things to do but one area that is often overlooked is the financial side. It may not be exciting but you need to be aware of these issues to avoid any nasty surprise tax bills, especially in respect of UAE income or offshore investments.

Getting it right will save you money. Getting it wrong can be expensive.

I provide an exit planning service for people relocating to the UK and this professional service, with a personalised advice and a written report you can refer back to, can save you both money and headaches.

I also offer an advisory service for people moving to the UAE from the UK that covers steps you need to take regarding banks and HMRC, letting out a property, taxation, what to do about your investments and pensions, the local laws and rules, issues about inheritance and protecting assets when in the UAE, and a wide range of general information gained from 18 years of living here.

This updated article is about some of the topics that you need to consider when you leave the UAE to move to the UK:

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UK Budget March 2024 – a summary for GCC expats

Another Spring, another UK Budget, but what will it really mean for you?

Following every Budget or Statement, I write an article to give people who are not resident in the UK a concise overview of some of the main points, with particular reference to any changes that have relevance to those of us living outside of the UK, especially in the GCC.

The UK press will cover many points in detail but much of it will not be directly relevant to expats so this article focuses on the points that will be of most interest.

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Want to become a US citizen? Want a US Green Card? Want to live & work in the USA?

You could become a permanent resident, leading to citizenship in just five years. You and you family can obtain US passports and live the American dream.

Join us for an online presentation on one of the most popular investment migration programmes in the world.

Thursday 15th February. 1pm UAE time.   

Link to register: Registration – US citizenship presentation

If you read this after the live presentation, get in touch with me for a copy of the recording.

Citizen by investment is a US Government approved investment migration scheme.

While you need to invest a significant sum up front, you could receive all of it back within five years.

With one of our investment schemes, you could even receive all money back in just three and a half years.


The EB5 schemes are not easy to navigate but that is where we come in. Our in-house experts will guide you through the process, liaise with the appropriate government departments, and be with you every step of the way until you receive your new USA passport.

We work with the US Immigration Fund (USIF) which assisted over 5,000 investors in arranging an EB5 visa. You need to work with an approved company to obtain these valuable visas.

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UK Autumn Statement November 2023 – a summary for expats

Once again Jeremey Hunt, as Chancellor of the Exchequer, has delivered an Autumn Statement, this time with a claim that there would be 110 measures “to help grow the economy”. We will be the judge of that…

This article is a brief overview of some of the main points with particular reference to any cannouncements that have relevance to those living outside of the UK, and especially in the GCC.

The UK press will cover many points in detail but many of the points will not be directly relevant to expats so this article focuses on the points that will directly affect us.

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Financial Wellness. What is it and can you improve yours?

Wellness is a term that has become very popular in the past few years. We tend to think of it in terms of mental or physical health but it is time we looked at financial wellness.

Simply put, financial wellness is a relative measure of how well a person manages their financial life. We all want to be financially well and this article is about what it means and how you can improve your financial wellness.

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Time to update that QROPS?

If you are looking at this wondering what on earth I am on about, a QROPS is a Qualifying Recognised Overseas Pension Scheme – an overseas pension arrangement into which existing UK pension plans were transferred. A strange acronym but there will be many UAE residents who have one.

If you have one you need to read this article as there may be a better, more suitable, and cheaper option for you.

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2023 is the year to get serious about your financial goals

It has often been said that “a goal without a plan is just a wish”, meaning that action is required if you want to achieve your goals in life.

We all spend our lives hoping for the best but you need to do something if you are serious about your life goals, specifically your financial life goals.  Do you want to retire at age 55? Do you want to buy a holiday home? Do you want spend some years travelling the world?  Great ideas but how will you achieve them?

With proper planning you can take action to turn these wishes into reality so read on…

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Interest rates, inflation & UK mortgages – some facts

I know a few people are worrying about mortgage interest rates and are hesitating buying property because of that so let’s put the increases it in perspective. There are loads of complex and jargon-heavy articles in the financial press but we’re busy this time of year so this is a simple guide to what has been happening and why it’s not as bad as it may look.

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10 sensible steps for smart investing

I have put together a simple guide to 10 practical and logical steps you need to follow when investing so to find out more, read on…

It is too easy to side-tracked from planning your future, our lives are busy after all, but it rarely needs to be as complicated as some might make out. My role is to make this simpler and easier for you so while we discuss serious topics, so our conversation is friendly and the language straightforward.

The financial services industry is full of jargon and sales messages so sometimes it can be difficult to separate fact from fiction, the reality from the adverts and the sales pitches.

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