Investments in 2023. Where are we now?

When it comes to investment we are still living in interesting times. With so many unexpected global events in recent years and those that are ongoing, investing has not been a great deal of fun of late, and I fully appreciate the frustration of clients, of all investors.

This article is designed to provide some context and comfort. So read on…

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Sitting tight – the importance of remaining invested

There is no question that we are in interesting times for investment markets and we have all seen falls in the value of our portfolios This article is designed to explain why you really should not worry and why you need to remain invested.

The key thing to remember is that to make money over the long-term it is not about timing the market, but about time in the market.

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Coronavirus and your investments – part 2

I published an article on this topic on 4th March but with the ongoing situation and further stock markets falls, it is time for another.

With worries and panic across the world in respect of both health and all the knock-on economic issues, we have seen substantial falls in all stock markets so many people are asking what they should do regarding their investments. The falls have been more than anyone expected as the current situation in regard to COVID-19 are simply unprecedented. As before, my general advice is not to sell now, not least as you would simply be crystallising a loss. My clients are all diversified and have suitable risk profiles, in line with their preferences, although I understand if some want to reduce the risk levels a little. Please read on to find out more about what is happening, why, and what we can expect.

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